Welcome to the easy to use Euro To Pound Exchange Rate Calculator and Pound To Euro Converter for pounds holiday money exchange . This website is a simple calculator to convert Euro To Pound.
To use this Euro To Pound converter simply enter the choosen currency amount (Euro or Pound) into the box below and select what calculator you want. It's an easy way to convert Euro To Pound. This converter is updated daily and you can bookmark this for easy currency rate conversion.
The majority of our users use this site for holiday money conversion - they wish to convert euro to pound using April 2025 figures in preperation for their holiday and also what they'd get back after their holiday. Another common use for this site is using this for shopping conversion when dealing with EURO prices.
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Looking for a similar site? Try Euro To Dollar Converter and also our new stones to pounds calculator.
Exchange Rate & Currency updated DAILY. 1 Euro (€, EUR) = 0.83733415 Pounds (£, GBP) (updated 01-04-2025 00:20)